When To See A Skin Doctor For Acne

Acne is a common skin disorder that appears when the skin’s oil glands overproduce oil (known as sebum). Some hair follicles become clogged by this oil and other waste, including dead skin cells, leading to forming spots or pimples on the skin’s surface.

These spots are typically tiny, black or yellow in colour, but if they get an infection, they may turn red or swollen. Although acne can appear at any time in one’s life, acne is more prevalent among teenagers and young adults. According to experts, 3% of adults over the age of 35 have acne.

One might think it’s better to try to treat the acne at home, but moderate or severe cases may require medical attention. A doctor should be seen in some mild acne situations, significantly if the condition doesn’t improve after treatments. Dr. Rohit Batra, the best dermatologist in Delhi, has shared some insights which will help one to determine when is the right time to get treatment for acne from the skin doctor.

How Bad is One’s Acne?

Acne can be classified into the following categories:

  • Mild Acne: Most spots will be small and have little to no soreness or irritation if one has mild acne.
  • Severe Acne: It is when one has a lot of red, swollen, or inflamed spots.
  • Moderate Acne: It occurs when some of the spots are red, swollen, or inflamed. One might also have a few nodules, which are hard lumps that develop beneath the skin or scars. Big cysts, pus-filled bumps that resemble boils, can also be brought on by severe acne.

Always see a doctor if one’s acne is moderate or severe. Before recommending a course of treatment to help the acne clear up, the doctor will check the skin and talk one through other alternatives.

Treatments provided by a medical expert often perform an excellent job of cleaning the skin and preventing spots from recurring. However, they may take weeks or months to start functioning. One must be patient and follow the directions on the prescriptions provided by the doctor.

Dr. Rohit Batra, an expert acne treatment doctor, advises it is good to consult a skin specialist at earlier stages to prevent acne from getting worse.

Why Expert Help Is Important?

Many people try home remedies, but these are not consistently effective, Hence, taking the help of a dermatologist is very much essential. If one has been taking one for 6 to 8 weeks and the acne still hasn’t cleaned up, it can be time to consult with a skin doctor instead.

One should also consider consulting a doctor if one’s acne makes one feel gloomy or prevents one from attending parties or other social occasions. One should try asking these questions to themselves if one has mild to moderate acne and are unsure whether to should consult a doctor:

  • Did one have acne for the first time as a young child (under 11)?
  • Does one believe that one has tried a number of at-home remedies for acne, but nothing appears to be working?
  • Does acne leave behind scars or black spots when it clears up?
  • Does one have new outbreaks every time the acne begins to clear up?
  • Does one have blemishes resembling pimples in odd areas, such as the groin, thighs, or armpits?
  • Has one get rid of the facial acne but not the chest or back acne?
  • Does one feel as though they have had acne for years?
  • Since noticing the acne, has one experienced feeling of depression, anxiety, or decreased desire to get out with friends?
  • Does one ever desire to cover up their acne-prone faces?

It can be worthwhile to consult a skin doctor if the person provides a yes answer to four or more of these questions.

Although acne can be distressing and uncomfortable in some situations, the majority of cases are manageable, says Dr. Rohit Batra, the best skin specialist in Delhi.

Key Points

  • If one has been utilising a therapy for 6 to 8 weeks and the acne hasn’t been cleaned up, it might be time to speak with a doctor.
  • A doctor should always treat moderate or severe acne.
  • If one feels depressed because of acne, go to a doctor.
  • Always see a doctor if the acne is moderate or severe.
  • A doctor should also be seen in some minor acne situations, significantly if the condition doesn’t improve after treatment.

If one has any additional questions or concerns about acne, book a consultation at DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics with Dr. Rohit Batra, the best acne treatment doctor in Delhi. One can get the best acne removal treatment at his well-renowned clinic. The expert doctor provides a wide range of treatments for acne, such as chemical peels, laser & light therapies, comedone extractors, combined oral contraceptives (COCs), etc. One can also receive treatments for other skin conditions such as melasma, psoriasis, acne scars, leprosy, fungal infections, and many more at DermaWorld Skin & Hair Clinics. To get the benefits book a visit today!

Published by drrohitbatra007

Dr. Rohit Batra is the best skin specialist in India who uses gold-standard technology for every procedure and skin type to treat the skin and hair concern effectively. Dr. Rohit Batra, an MD (Dermatology, Venereology & Leprology), is an adult, pediatric and cosmetic dermatologist & dermato-surgeon based at New Delhi. He is also associated to the prestigious Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi. He is an active participant in a fortnightly rural camp with an OPD of over 10,000 patients every fortnight. He delivers lectures and has been a visiting consultant to many renowned hospitals.

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